API for seesaw.timer - Seesaw

Full namespace name: seesaw.timer


Public Variables and Functions


Usage: (timer f & {:keys [start? initial-value], :or {start? true}, :as opts})
Creates a new Swing timer that periodically executes the single-argument
function f. The argument is a "state" of the timer. Each time the function
is called its previous return value is passed to it. Kind of like (reduce)
but spread out over time :) The following options are supported:

  :initial-value The first value passed to the handler function. Defaults to nil.
  :initial-delay Delay, in milliseconds, of first call. Defaults to 0.
  :delay         Delay, in milliseconds, between calls. Defaults to 1000.
  :repeats?      If true, the timer runs forever, otherwise, it's a
                "one-shot" timer. Defaults to true.
  :start?        Whether to start the timer immediately. Defaults to true.

See http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/javax/swing/Timer.html
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