API Overview - Seesaw

A Swing wrapper/DSL for Clojure. You want seesaw.core, FYI. See http://seesaw-clj.org for more info.


by Dave Ray
Detailed API documentation
Functions for dealing with Swing Actions. Prefer (seesaw.core/action).
Public variables and functions: action


by Dave Ray
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Macros and functions that make creating an applet with Seesaw a
little less painful.
Public variables and functions: defapplet


by Dave Ray
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A collection of basic behaviors that can be dynamically added to
widgets. Most cover basic functionality that's missing from Swing
or just a pain to implement.
Public variables and functions: when-focused-select-all when-mouse-dragged


by Dave Ray
Detailed API documentation
Functions for binding the value of one thing to another, for example
synchronizing an atom with changes to a slider.
Public variables and functions: b-do b-do* b-send b-send-off b-swap! bind composite filter funnel notify notify-later notify-now notify-soon property selection some subscribe tee transform value


by Dave Ray
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Functions for creating widget borders.
Public variables and functions: compound-border custom-border empty-border line-border to-border


by Dave Ray
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Functions for implementing custom cell renderers. Note that on
many core functions (listbox, tree, combobox, etc) a render function
can be given directly to the :renderer option.
Public variables and functions:


by Dave Ray
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File chooser and other common dialogs.
Public variables and functions: choose-color choose-file file-filter


by Dave Ray
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Functions for creating Swing colors. Note that these are implicit
in the core color options.
Public variables and functions: color default-color


by Dave Ray
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Functions for configuring widgets. Prefer (seesaw.core/config) and friends.
Public variables and functions: Configurable config config! config!* config*


by Dave Ray
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Core functions and macros for Seesaw. Although there are many more
Seesaw namespaces, usually what you want is in here. Most functions
in other namespaces have a core wrapper which adds additional
capability or makes them easier to use.
Public variables and functions: ConfigAction ConfigIcon ConfigModel ConfigText SelectionModeConfig action action-option add! alert all-frames assert-ui-thread border-panel button button-group canvas card-panel checkbox checkbox-menu-item combobox config config! construct custom-dialog dialog dispose! editor-pane flow-panel form-panel frame full-screen! full-screen-window full-screen? grid-panel group-by-id height hide! horizontal-panel id-for id-of input invoke-later invoke-now invoke-soon label left-right-split listbox listen make-widget menu menu-item menubar model-option move! native! pack! paintable password popup progress-bar radio radio-menu-item remove! repaint! replace! request-focus! return-from-dialog scroll! scrollable select select-with selection selection! separator show! show-card! slider spinner spinner-model splitter style-text! styled-text tabbed-panel table text text! timer to-root to-widget toggle toggle-full-screen! toolbar top-bottom-split tree user-data value value! vertical-panel width window with-password* with-widgets xyz-panel


by Dave Ray
Detailed API documentation
Functions for creating Swing cursors.
Public variables and functions: cursor


by Dave Ray
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Functions to aid development of Seesaw apps.
Public variables and functions: debug! show-events show-options


by Dave Ray
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Functions for dealing with drag and drop and data transfer.
Public variables and functions: Flavorful default-transfer-handler default-transferable everything-transfer-handler file-list-flavor html-flavor image-flavor local-object-flavor make-flavor string-flavor to-local to-raw-flavor to-remote uri-list-flavor


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  Public variables and functions:


by Dave Ray
Detailed API documentation
Functions for handling events. Do not use these functions directly.
Use (seesaw.core/listen) instead.
Public variables and functions: events-for listen listen-to-property


by Dave Ray
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Functions for handling fonts. Note that most core widget functions
use these implicitly through the :font option.
Public variables and functions: default-font font font-families


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  Public variables and functions:
  append forms-panel group next-column next-line separator span title 


by Dave Ray
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Basic graphics functions to simplify use of Graphics2D.
Public variables and functions: anti-alias circle draw ellipse linear-gradient polygon push radial-gradient rect rotate rounded-rect scale stroke style translate update-style


by Dave Ray
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Functions for loading and creating icons.
Public variables and functions: icon


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  Public variables and functions:
  invoke-later invoke-now invoke-soon signaller signaller* 


by Dave Ray
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Functions for mapping key strokes to actions.
Public variables and functions: map-key


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  Public variables and functions:


by Dave Ray
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Functions for dealing with layouts. Prefer layout specific constructors in seesaw.core, e.g. border-panel.
Public variables and functions: realize-grid-bag-constraints


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  Public variables and functions:


by Dave Ray
Detailed API documentation
Functions for associating metadata with frames and widgets, etc.
Public variables and functions:


by Dave Ray
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MigLayout support for Seesaw
Public variables and functions: mig-panel


by Dave Ray
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Functions for dealing with the mouse.
Public variables and functions: button button-down? location


by Dave Ray
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Functions for dealing with options.
Public variables and functions: ignore-option ignore-options option-map resource-option


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  Public variables and functions:
  bind-preference-to-atom bind-preference-to-atom* preference-atom preferences-node preferences-node* 


by Dave Ray
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Functions for dealing with scrolling. Prefer (seesaw.core/scroll!).
Public variables and functions:


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  Public variables and functions:


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Seesaw selector support, based largely upon enlive-html.

There's no need to ever directly require this namespace. Use (seesaw.core/select)!
Public variables and functions: class-of! id-of id-of! select


by Dave Ray
Detailed API documentation
Functions for styling apps. Prefer (seesaw.core/stylesheet) and friends.
Public variables and functions: apply-stylesheet


by Dave Ray
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SwingX integration. Unfortunately, SwingX is hosted on java.net which means
it looks abandoned most of the time. Downloads are here

This is an incomplete wrapper. If something's missing that you want, just ask.
Public variables and functions: busy-label button-x color-selection-button header hyperlink label-x listbox-x table-x task-pane task-pane-container titled-panel tree-x


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  Public variables and functions:
  clear! column-count insert-at! remove-at! row-count table-model update-at! value-at 


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  Public variables and functions:


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  Public variables and functions:


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  Public variables and functions:
  fire-event* node-changed node-inserted node-removed node-structure-changed nodes-changed nodes-inserted nodes-removed simple-tree-model 


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  Public variables and functions:
  Children camelize children collect cond-doto constant-map illegal-argument resource-key? to-mnemonic-keycode 


by Dave Ray
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Functions for dealing with widget value. Prefer (seesaw.core/value).
Public variables and functions:


by Dave Ray
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Functions and protocol for dealing with widget options.
Public variables and functions:


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  Public variables and functions:
  clear log log-window logf 


by Dave Ray
Detailed API documentation
Function to create a label with a rounded border and background.
Public variables and functions: rounded-label
Logo & site design by Tom Hickey.
Clojure auto-documentation system by Tom Faulhaber.