

(initialize registry)

Enable function instrumentalization by registering the metric collectors. Metrics include:

  • fn_duration_seconds: a histogram of execution duration,
  • fn_last_failure_unixtime: a gauge with the last failure timestamp,
  • fn_runs_total: a counter for fn runs, split by success/failure,
  • fn_exceptions_total: a counter for fn exceptions, split by class.


(instrument! registry fn-var)(instrument! registry fn-var {:keys [fn-name exceptions? duration? last-failure? run-count?], :or {fn-name (subs (str fn-var) 2)}, :as options})


(wrap-instrumentation f registry fn-name {:keys [duration? exceptions? last-failure? run-count?], :or {duration? true, exceptions? true, last-failure? true, run-count? true}})

Wrap the given function to write a series of execution metrics to the given registry. See initialize.