Accepting Projects

Before adopting a project into CLJ Commons, there are some entry criteria that need to be satisfied:

Proposing a Project

If you would like to see a project transferred to CLJ Commons for future maintenance that you believe meets the above criteria, you can create an issue to propose the project, providing relevant information about the project's use, and suggesting a new maintainer (or volunteering to maintain it yourself).

The CLJ Commons team will review the proposal, based on the criteria above, and if at least two members of the team agree that the project should be transferred, we will attempt to contact the original owner of the project to discuss the transfer. Currently, that team is Erik Assum, Daniel Compton, and Sean Corfield.

Transferring a Project

When a project is adopted into the clj-commons organization on GitHub, a transfer of ownership is preferred over forking. There are several reasons for this:

We should resort to forking only if the original maintainers remain unresponsive to our inquiries. Currently, unresponsive means not having replied to our request within two months of repeated outreach.

Project Artifact Coordinates

As with transfer vs forking, artefact coordinates also need consideration. There are limitations to how Clojars works, which makes it hard for a Clojars group to change ownership of a single artefact within a group. This means that for certain organizations/authors, it is impossible to let CLJ Commons continue artefact publication under their original group. Even so, we prefer to keep the artefact coordinates the same because this will let tools like lein-ancient and antq continue to work with projects whose source is moved to the clj-commons organization on GitHub.

Project Maintenance

Once a project has been transferred to CLJ Commons, it will be maintained according to our project maintenance guidelines.